Brewing Dealers Club
Uneté a nuestro Brewing Dealers Club
Varietal: 74110, 74112
Process: Natural
Score: 87
Altitude: 1900 - 2300
Region: Yirgacheffe - Gedeb - Etiopia
Roast: Omni
Grapefruit, honey, caramel, hazelnut,Violette, raisin
This coffee from Chelchele is collected by our partner
EDN Ethiopian Coffee from the many producers
around the station. There are several hundreds of
them, with farms of 1 to 2 hectares maximum.
Growing coffee is an integral part of the lives of the
farmers surrounding the Chelchele station, where
coffee is not just a means of earning a living. It's also a
tradition, and a way of living together.
Everything is done in the traditional way, by hand to
select only the finest cherries. These are then
processed naturally. The cherries are dried for 15 to 20
days, depending on the weather, on drying beds. The
cherries are turned over regularly to ensure even
By Brewing Dealer:
Filter Method: Kono
Coffee: 10.0 g
Grind: Comandante 15 click
Water: 200 g at 93 Celsius
TDS: 1.36
Flow: High Flow rate 3.8g. Low Flow Rate 2.7g.
1.- 45g - 30 sec
2.- 100g - 1.00 min
3.- 150g - 1.45 min
4.- 200g - 2.35 min
Serve: Between 57ºc and 65ºC
Varietal: 74110, 74112
Process: Natural
Score: 87
Altitude: 1900 - 2300
Region: Yirgacheffe - Gedeb - Etiopia
Roast: Omni
Grapefruit, honey, caramel, hazelnut,Violette, raisin
This coffee from Chelchele is collected by our partner
EDN Ethiopian Coffee from the many producers
around the station. There are several hundreds of
them, with farms of 1 to 2 hectares maximum.
Growing coffee is an integral part of the lives of the
farmers surrounding the Chelchele station, where
coffee is not just a means of earning a living. It's also a
tradition, and a way of living together.
Everything is done in the traditional way, by hand to
select only the finest cherries. These are then
processed naturally. The cherries are dried for 15 to 20
days, depending on the weather, on drying beds. The
cherries are turned over regularly to ensure even
By Brewing Dealer:
Filter Method: Kono
Coffee: 10.0 g
Grind: Comandante 15 click
Water: 200 g at 93 Celsius
TDS: 1.36
Flow: High Flow rate 3.8g. Low Flow Rate 2.7g.
1.- 45g - 30 sec
2.- 100g - 1.00 min
3.- 150g - 1.45 min
4.- 200g - 2.35 min
Serve: Between 57ºc and 65ºC
Uneté a nuestro Brewing Dealers Club